in progress...
been working hard...
In the attached link you will see some pictures of works in progress and my concept rendering.
i've been working on various surface treatments on these spermies including the use of fliers from "sexy bars" and massage parlors that litter the streets of seoul to, yes...condoms.
i will be focusing on primarily the sperm-form as a symbol of sex to create awareness about AIDS and other social issues related to sex
my favorite is the penis head one. these look awesome. good job!
You are such a crazy inventive person. I am continually amazed with each new piece you throw.
My favorite one has the collage covering. What are some of the words and images on the sperm?
nathan, the collage is composed of various "sexy bar" and massage parlor flyers. they often advertise young college college girls that perform the services and the price of the "tip." Images are often girls that are younger than those found at these i here ;) hahah
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